Sunday, August 10, 2003

I met up with my (ex) camp mates today. Went out for lunch at Mos Burger. It was quite enjoyable, until a middle aged whiskery man, chewing on a straw(¿) and was waiting for a table beside us exclaimed loudly to his son "WE WAIT FOR THEM TO LEAVE". "Them" was in reference to our table. And we were just about done too. However, upon this act of blatant unsubtleness, one of us decided to go and order more food and let him wait. Well done ZM.

After that incident, we were pondering what to do after lunch and decided to play pool. But it was really expensive so we decided to play Warcraft instead. I rule at Azure Tower Defense. Haha, it's a game where the players have to withstand hordes of invaders trying to reach a goal point. We, the players, have to kick their asses back to the nether regions from which they spawned from before they can reach the goal. The 5 of us reached level 30 out of 40 and got slaughtered by dark blobs of goo that split whenever they died... I hate goo...

Slaughtered, we decided to call it quits and return home. Upon reaching home, I had to prepare to drive to East Coast for dinner with my relatives. Seafood dinner at Jumbo restaraunt was an excellent affair. The food was good, the wind was nice and my relatives had a chance to see me before I started sending postcards from the States. As usual, I overate. But it was worth it. The chilli crab was delicious. Oishikatta yo!

That's about it for today. The pics for the above mentioned events are up in the Sh0t5 section. Go check 'em out.

Should i crash NUS lectures tomorrow? hmm... Girls... Yeah, i think i'll do it before i fly. =)

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