Saturday, July 09, 2005

Well I'll be

Ever heard about people who photoshop pictures? Just to make them look better? Well, I always thought those kind of people were myth, but it turns out that they are very very much walking amongst us. I present proof of their existence:

Zueig: still working on the PC?
A: yeapz
A: photoshop
Z: wat's wrong with photoshup? (I truncated my nick to Z. To long to type.)
A: haha
Z: Oh, u doing ur own pics so look better issit??
A: i m photoshoppingmy pics
A: yeah

OMG indeed. Now I know better and shall view the world thru a photoshop-ped lense.

NEW VOCABULARY, courtesy of Ah Seng.

Pissifying - what happens when your fullhouse loses to a 4 of a kind TWICE in the same game. And just to clarify, I wasn't the one who was pissified. Haha, what a loser. LOL

P.S - The washing machine looks like a pretty innocent machine right? A little noisy maybe but just rumble rumble rumble and tada your clothes get cleaned. However, this is a fallacy. They are sneaky little buggers that like to make items of clothing disappear. So be afraid, be very afraid, the next time you need to use one. It's better to lose a sock than to mess with the dark forces...


Anonymous said...

yah...i lost 1 of my favorite sock in the washer and it appeared out of the blue 3 months the washer too! I'm convinced the washer has a sneaky mind of its own.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I guess it doesn't discrimate as well huh. Poor, rich, guy, girl, SEasian,Subcontinental asian...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

i usually don't have any problem with the washing machine, but i found that the dryer was even more mysterious than i thought. i lost several socks in various dryers and never recover any of them. =(
