Friday, July 22, 2005

Eventful Day

Boy, what an eventful day I had.

First thing, I wake up with a start, extend my arms above my head (while still horizontal on the bed), hit the cupboard at the head of my bed, knock the hair dryer off the top of the cupboard and eat a mouthful of plastic for breakfast. Ugh.

Then, I went to the lab, and spent the better part of the morning (or at least, the morning that I spent in the lab), trying to fix a leak that mysteriously disappears when I'm searching for it. Like I leave the the setup to do something else, upon my return I see a wet spot on the ground. So I start checking my connections and everything, but nothing's wet, indicating that there hasn't been a leak. Doubly UGH.

Lastly, I spent about an hour in the sun at a traffic junction today, waiting for help, cos my friend's car's battery died. It was most amusing, looking at the people slow down to stare at me as they drove by. I should have flashed my phone number at the chicks... But a great big THANK YOU to everyone who tried to help. And hell, a great big thank you to those who even answered their phones. Thanks.

In a gaming related issue, I'm not sure if you guys actually know (or care) but recently, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (GTA:SA) has come under fire for leaving codes for a allegedly dry-humping mini game inside their worldwide best seller. Personally, I think the only mistake was that they left it in there, but apparently, now that's a huge brouhaha. Here then, is a counterpoint about the whole thing. I guess it's good to see that gamers care about politics. But I can't stand those politicians who see only an issue they can exploit. I'm beginning to see why the popular vote here is RED.

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