Monday, June 06, 2005

Recently, me and a few friends were discussing about life in the States vs life back home. The conclusions are not up to me to say because I'm aware of the ISA and Guantanamo Bay and I'm deathly afraid of both. But let me present some thoughts about life in the States.

1. Religion is on the rise here. And by religion I mean Christianity and Catholicism (tricky spelling there). This resurgence of religious fervour is coupled with a thinner and thinner distinction between the Church and State. This can be seen by the openly pro-conservative stances the Bush administration takes on the right to die and abortion, the two issues the conservatives want to change right now.

This has caused some vague sense of uneasiness as the States is a big country, with about 300 million people (5th most populous nation in the world).

This was supposed to be some deep, thoughtful and analytical piece on the affect of the State on the Church and vice versa here. However, it's just too hard. Religion is such a touchy subject, discussing it(at my level) would be something I don't have the time and energy to see through. So I'll just leave it as: Religion - What's yours is yours and damned if you try to force it on your neighbour.

*Please don't flame me*

2. Is it just me? Or is there some kind of spam bot that randomly hits on your page from some other poor unsuspecting blogspot site? Please confirm for me peeps.

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