Thursday, June 30, 2005


Recently, it's been more naturaly to use Chinese to express what I feel, but what the hell, I try not to neglect my non-Chinese speaking readers.

Well, it seems like the big truth is out. Big in the metaphorical sense I guess, cos it's not really that earth-shattering and quite obvious I hazard, to the people who have all the facts. How am I supposed to feel? Resentful? Angry? Jealous? Relieved? Congratulatory? I don't really know.

All I know is that it will be an interesting Spring next year. And by next year I mean 2006. And if anyone wants to know more, please PM me. But to those who are 1. Not FUBARED, 2. Not CHampions of Excellence, it's really 1. None of your business, 2. What 1. said.

Another thing I know is that life is full of Fe-y. Good old Fe. (Cookie to anyone who can tell me this. Shouldn't take too long and I mean you, ".".)

The weather is getting a lil' bit cooler now, with all the rain and what not. Thank godness. Camping out (or at least, staying longer) at the lab was really looking quite attractive. It seems Ms Ball thinks that I am actively trying to taunt her. Well, minta maaf lah. Not purposely one hor. I was just pointing out that it WOULD have been a "-" but I guess if noone does it, it's more of a " ". Once again, if you missed it, MINTA MAAF.

Okie, just a couple of random phrases in languages I (kinda) know. And when I mean kinda, I mean barely and by barely I meant hopeless incompetent. You get the drift.

1. 凡事不后悔。
2. Aku memang akan mengatasi semua masalah.
3. 怒ってないけどちょっと傷ついた。

Okie, so by random I meant the jumbled mess of emotion. Go figure.

Te audire no possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.

Hmm, actually, I think that some of us are collectively hitting the summer siansation wall. Nothing better to do so life loses it's edge. Well cheer up guys, at least we are not in Guantanomo Bay. Or... At least we are not in Guantanomo Bay. Heh.

Lastly, a joke I just heard.

How do hip-hop sushis greet one another? Wasabi.

LoL. C'mon it was funny.


cieen said...

lighten up man!
I don;t understand half of what you wrote...maybe except for 'siansation'...=Phaha...come visit on a weekend if u have nothing better to do!!

Zu31G said...

Haha. Thanks lah. Maybe late july. =)

Anonymous said...


Haven't checked this page for a really long time siah (probably something to do with the reformatting and transfer of bookmarks etc.

BUT anyway, I believe you were simply being corny. "Irony", yes? =) I hope I do not disappoint. Heh.

PS: I hate chem.

Anonymous said...

U get a COOKIE!!