I know it's bad form to post more than once in a day, but DAMN, I have an announcement to make.
Dear Champions Of Excellence,
GO CHECK YOUR INBOXES!! FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, GO!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will not regret it.
Kan Ni Nah Lah.
Hidup terlalu pendek untuk bermain-main.
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Recently, it's been more naturaly to use Chinese to express what I feel, but what the hell, I try not to neglect my non-Chinese speaking readers.
Well, it seems like the big truth is out. Big in the metaphorical sense I guess, cos it's not really that earth-shattering and quite obvious I hazard, to the people who have all the facts. How am I supposed to feel? Resentful? Angry? Jealous? Relieved? Congratulatory? I don't really know.
All I know is that it will be an interesting Spring next year. And by next year I mean 2006. And if anyone wants to know more, please PM me. But to those who are 1. Not FUBARED, 2. Not CHampions of Excellence, it's really 1. None of your business, 2. What 1. said.
Another thing I know is that life is full of Fe-y. Good old Fe. (Cookie to anyone who can tell me this. Shouldn't take too long and I mean you, ".".)
The weather is getting a lil' bit cooler now, with all the rain and what not. Thank godness. Camping out (or at least, staying longer) at the lab was really looking quite attractive. It seems Ms Ball thinks that I am actively trying to taunt her. Well, minta maaf lah. Not purposely one hor. I was just pointing out that it WOULD have been a "-" but I guess if noone does it, it's more of a " ". Once again, if you missed it, MINTA MAAF.
Okie, just a couple of random phrases in languages I (kinda) know. And when I mean kinda, I mean barely and by barely I meant hopeless incompetent. You get the drift.
1. 凡事不后悔。
2. Aku memang akan mengatasi semua masalah.
3. 怒ってないけどちょっと傷ついた。
Okie, so by random I meant the jumbled mess of emotion. Go figure.
Te audire no possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
Hmm, actually, I think that some of us are collectively hitting the summer siansation wall. Nothing better to do so life loses it's edge. Well cheer up guys, at least we are not in Guantanomo Bay. Or... At least we are not in Guantanomo Bay. Heh.
Lastly, a joke I just heard.
How do hip-hop sushis greet one another? Wasabi.
LoL. C'mon it was funny.
Monday, June 27, 2005
|_4|\| |)140 |_140...
133+ in Chinese.
edit - Cleaned up the grammar. Props to A-E.
133+ in Chinese.
edit - Cleaned up the grammar. Props to A-E.
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Finding Air-Conditioning
HAHA!! I realised that there is A/C in the apartment!! Sweet merciful relief!! I just have to sleep in the living room from now onwards.
A warm welcome to our dear Asian-Eskimo to the blogosphere. Now he'll know what's it like to have a pandering audience like all you good folk out there. Thank you very much! Keep on coming!! And I'll be accepting gift cards to Best Buy as well.
Lastly, I pwned Paper Mario:Thousand Year Door's uber-dungeon, the Pit of 100 trials. But not before I kicked the bloody power adaptor at level 91 and didn't save... (not that I could, mind you. But it's still frustrating.)
P.S - Batman Begins will kick the ass of any movie you might be considering (with the possible exception of War of the Worlds, but then again, I liked that H.G Wells classic), so don't even think about missing it for some other humdrum movie.
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Death Becomes Heat

The lab is looking more and more inviting nowadays. At least it has airconditioning...
I write this with the understanding that I might spontaneously combust in this horrid weather any second now. It is important to preserve for posterity so here are my thoughts for any of my progeny. (Where will they come from if I burn up? I have no idea, but I always wanted to say that word. Progeny. Makes me sound cheem and virile.)
1. Getting a summer apartment without A/C is like getting sentenced to be baked/roasted alive.
2. 你们最近可能发觉到我们的Ball小姐一直在tagboard上面写东西。好无聊哦。一定很爽。。。
3. I'm proud to be an accquaintance of the 2005 Best Aki. Congrats joode. When I get back, you can belanjar me. (Not like stupid GaWee bluff money one...)
4. I wish I had A/C.
5. Or a large swimming pool.
6. But I only have ice-cream this summer. Damn.
Friday, June 24, 2005
For people who game...
Doing so might cause 2 hours of playtime and 3 levels of hard earned experience to go DoDo on you (i.e byebye).
I'm such a sucker. I said I wouldn't watch the Finals but I was still there (although in my defence, I didn't watch the 4th quarter and I was just hoping Flopnoblie would break his nose). But life's a bitch and the Spurs win. I don't care about that but Flopnoblie didn't even get a scratch... Damn.
Seems like Ms Ball has marshalled greater "chee-hong ang moh" powers and has (all of a sudden) gained an amazing cognizance of the japanese language. All the power to her. But 她还不会讲华语. Haha.
P.S - Zueig Hebat!! (Why? Because it is so.)
P.P.S - A/C rocks. Nothing beats an A/C-ed place in summer. It's better than fire and sliced bread. Just below sex in the "Most Important Things To Man" rankings.
Doing so might cause 2 hours of playtime and 3 levels of hard earned experience to go DoDo on you (i.e byebye).
I'm such a sucker. I said I wouldn't watch the Finals but I was still there (although in my defence, I didn't watch the 4th quarter and I was just hoping Flopnoblie would break his nose). But life's a bitch and the Spurs win. I don't care about that but Flopnoblie didn't even get a scratch... Damn.
Seems like Ms Ball has marshalled greater "chee-hong ang moh" powers and has (all of a sudden) gained an amazing cognizance of the japanese language. All the power to her. But 她还不会讲华语. Haha.
P.S - Zueig Hebat!! (Why? Because it is so.)
P.P.S - A/C rocks. Nothing beats an A/C-ed place in summer. It's better than fire and sliced bread. Just below sex in the "Most Important Things To Man" rankings.
Thursday, June 23, 2005
There is no $ in Cha-Ching...
Damn, I just reali$ed that I don't have a chance to u$e the "$" $ign to de$cribe the title. $till, I gue$$ thi$ make$ up for it. In $ome $ort of way. A$ you guy$ can probably tell already - PayDay Baby!!
In other new$, a certain a$ian$-e$kimo HAD (and again I empha$i$e HAD) a liking for animal$ of the genu$ Chelonia. 0.o!! o.0!! OMGZORZ!! Haha, thi$ i$ $uch a private joke.
Al$o, it $eem$ like my dairy-ba$ed friend has FINALLY made up hi$ mind about a certain girl. $o all I have to $ay is "Good Luck and may the Force Be With You".
Edit - Seems like our poor (literally and figuratively) Ms Ball is working pro bono and has to seek solace in World Of Warcraft. Awww poor thing. Now she makes me feel better about my 1.17 * min wage pay.
In other new$, a certain a$ian$-e$kimo HAD (and again I empha$i$e HAD) a liking for animal$ of the genu$ Chelonia. 0.o!! o.0!! OMGZORZ!! Haha, thi$ i$ $uch a private joke.
Al$o, it $eem$ like my dairy-ba$ed friend has FINALLY made up hi$ mind about a certain girl. $o all I have to $ay is "Good Luck and may the Force Be With You".
Edit - Seems like our poor (literally and figuratively) Ms Ball is working pro bono and has to seek solace in World Of Warcraft. Awww poor thing. Now she makes me feel better about my 1.17 * min wage pay.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Titles BAbY!
Wow. I finally managed to get titles on my posts. Damn I'm a moron.
Anyways, just some random thoughts for this post.
1. It has not been a good start of the week for me. First my knee gets a little swollen cos of basketball and then I poke myself while trying to fix some equipment. Then I forgot to submit my bi-weekly reports in (which I have to do later). Lastly, there's a bloody bug in my room that refuses to stay put and let me smack it. So annoying.
2. I'm amazed at the very "matter of fact" way females deal with their own body. I was at the supermarket yesterday and saw a girl trying to decide what brand to use to help with the er, leakage(?). And she was just like choosing stuff and comparing them like the way I would compare apples. Guess the wild wild world of feminine needs will remain just that for me.
3. Fireflies!! Fireflies are out. Soooo pretty. Moving lights. Flying green lights against the blackness of the night sky is quite an enchanting vision (to me anyway, and this is MY blog. So there.).
4. Bad Japanese:時々昔いの夏の事思い出してる時懐かしいな。。。でも終ったこともう終った。なにもう変わられなかった。 Corrected Japanese: たまに去年の夏休みの事を考えると悲しくなる。でももう過ぎた事は変えられないのでしょうがないと思う。Too bad. Life goes on...
5. I'm hungryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.........
Edit - Cleaned up my japanese. (Confirmed)
Anyways, just some random thoughts for this post.
1. It has not been a good start of the week for me. First my knee gets a little swollen cos of basketball and then I poke myself while trying to fix some equipment. Then I forgot to submit my bi-weekly reports in (which I have to do later). Lastly, there's a bloody bug in my room that refuses to stay put and let me smack it. So annoying.
2. I'm amazed at the very "matter of fact" way females deal with their own body. I was at the supermarket yesterday and saw a girl trying to decide what brand to use to help with the er, leakage(?). And she was just like choosing stuff and comparing them like the way I would compare apples. Guess the wild wild world of feminine needs will remain just that for me.
3. Fireflies!! Fireflies are out. Soooo pretty. Moving lights. Flying green lights against the blackness of the night sky is quite an enchanting vision (to me anyway, and this is MY blog. So there.).
4. Bad Japanese:
5. I'm hungryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.........
Edit - Cleaned up my japanese. (Confirmed)
Sunday, June 19, 2005
I'm sure most of the people in the States have some knowledge of MGM Vs Grokster basically a challenge between the recording industry and the technology industry. I'm quite biased against the RIAA cos I think the music executives are a bunch of heavy-handed, arrogant, greedy people. Yes, this probably is a very very sweeping statement and they have a case, but who wants to root for the favourites? Everybody would rather cheer on the underdog that fights the good fight than the incumbent that takes everything for granted.
And now it seems that there is another measure that the recording industry is trying to take to clamp down on the masses.
It's really quite disgusting actually I think. How they expect to control the masses listening/purchasing habits just to fund their tunnel-visioned industry. I agree that people (myself included) download songs from the internet without paying for them. And morally, that's wrong. However how can they expect to emerge from this with a shining image by doing all these actions? First they sue people, regardless of income and age (like the teenages who Kazaa can pay a grand for every song they downloaded) then now they try to impose themselves on after-sales activities? The people who download may be in the wrong, but from their actions they don't come across as angels. Not by a far shot. It's more of a "If we can't get rich from the (mostly) shitty stuff we produce, we'll just sue the cash out of everyone poor bastard that has every downloaded something from us, even if they are just kids who haven't realised that they are just downloading routinely, thoughtlessly manufactured tunes."
Well, don't need to take it from me. Who am I but some stupid dude with too much time on my hands. Why not take a listen to Mark Cuban, co-owner of HDnet and owner of the Dallas Mavericks?
Haha. Linkage overload. I couldn't really be bothered to arrange the links in chronological order, sorry about that. And Mark Cuban has a reputation for being unconventional (as I'm sure you'll find out if you read more entries) so take what he says with a pinch of salt. But hey, the guy has a NBA team and I don't, so maybe his ideas actually have something to it?
And now it seems that there is another measure that the recording industry is trying to take to clamp down on the masses.
It's really quite disgusting actually I think. How they expect to control the masses listening/purchasing habits just to fund their tunnel-visioned industry. I agree that people (myself included) download songs from the internet without paying for them. And morally, that's wrong. However how can they expect to emerge from this with a shining image by doing all these actions? First they sue people, regardless of income and age (like the teenages who Kazaa can pay a grand for every song they downloaded) then now they try to impose themselves on after-sales activities? The people who download may be in the wrong, but from their actions they don't come across as angels. Not by a far shot. It's more of a "If we can't get rich from the (mostly) shitty stuff we produce, we'll just sue the cash out of everyone poor bastard that has every downloaded something from us, even if they are just kids who haven't realised that they are just downloading routinely, thoughtlessly manufactured tunes."
Well, don't need to take it from me. Who am I but some stupid dude with too much time on my hands. Why not take a listen to Mark Cuban, co-owner of HDnet and owner of the Dallas Mavericks?
Haha. Linkage overload. I couldn't really be bothered to arrange the links in chronological order, sorry about that. And Mark Cuban has a reputation for being unconventional (as I'm sure you'll find out if you read more entries) so take what he says with a pinch of salt. But hey, the guy has a NBA team and I don't, so maybe his ideas actually have something to it?
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Friday, June 17, 2005
Here's a tip for all the people out there. Hydrochloric acid fumes are BAD. Do NOT let them get ANYWHERE near your face... It's not like your face will scar or corrode but your life expectancy will definitely drop a few days at least.
And that's today's safety warning from Zueig, part of the "Let's Live Longer" campaign. Cheers.
P.S - Father's Day is the 19th of June!! Go do something about it peeps!! I know I've done something already.
P.P.S - Been listening to old songs a lot recently and I just had to add this. Dum Da Da Dum,Tat tat,Dumm Da, Can't Touch This!!
And that's today's safety warning from Zueig, part of the "Let's Live Longer" campaign. Cheers.
P.S - Father's Day is the 19th of June!! Go do something about it peeps!! I know I've done something already.
P.P.S - Been listening to old songs a lot recently and I just had to add this. Dum Da Da Dum,Tat tat,Dumm Da, Can't Touch This!!
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Don't worry about it man. Everything will be okie. Be strong. =D
Th3No0b: Im going to be the next hitler
Th3No0b: Im going to kill all the jews and 1 clown
RageAgainsttheAmish: why the clown
Th3No0b: See? no one cares about the jews
RageAgainsttheAmish: lmao
Yes, it may be racist, but it's still funny. Courtesy of the wild wild frontier called IRC.
Don't worry about it man. Everything will be okie. Be strong. =D
Th3No0b: Im going to be the next hitler
Th3No0b: Im going to kill all the jews and 1 clown
RageAgainsttheAmish: why the clown
Th3No0b: See? no one cares about the jews
RageAgainsttheAmish: lmao
Yes, it may be racist, but it's still funny. Courtesy of the wild wild frontier called IRC.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Detriot has FINALLY shown some signs of being the (so called) World Champions. While I still hate both teams, I hate Detriot less so if I have to choose between the devil and the deep blue sea, I hope the Pistons repeat. And break Flopnobli's nose in the process. And failing which, just breaking Flopnobli's nose will be just as good.
I realise that I've been a little heavy on the rhetoric recently but I just post and comment on what I read online. Like this - Nintendo isn't going down in flames. But it's not doing all the things the fans want (namely a KICKASS system that will give the Smack Down on the PS3 and XBOX360). Personally, I just hope DDR with Mario will be fun.
Came across this song,"爱计较" by Fish Leong (梁静茹) and the tale it weaves is quite true for any relationship breaking down. With apologies again to people who can't read Chinese, here are the lyrics:
How true it is sometimes...
P.S - I know I haven't brought t3h F4r|\|13 in awhile. Sorrie lah. Sometimes people have to think deeply too you noe...
I realise that I've been a little heavy on the rhetoric recently but I just post and comment on what I read online. Like this - Nintendo isn't going down in flames. But it's not doing all the things the fans want (namely a KICKASS system that will give the Smack Down on the PS3 and XBOX360). Personally, I just hope DDR with Mario will be fun.
Came across this song,"爱计较" by Fish Leong (梁静茹) and the tale it weaves is quite true for any relationship breaking down. With apologies again to people who can't read Chinese, here are the lyrics:
How true it is sometimes...
P.S - I know I haven't brought t3h F4r|\|13 in awhile. Sorrie lah. Sometimes people have to think deeply too you noe...
A (in fact, THE ONLY) reply about my previous post from "."
Ware on this one, bro. Whilst I'm certainly on the same page as you with regards to this argument, a word of caution about aligning oneself too fully to the "China cause" - just cause you're Chinese and possibly feel some empathy with the Chinese folk, doesn't necessarily mean that the feeling is mutual. Your standing, amongst the Chinese, is probably in this order: PRC > Hongkonger > Ang Moh > Taiwanese > ... > you. Yeah, that's about how much they care about you.
That aside however, I do believe that the American government or media does have a bone to pick with China. China is the proverbial scapegoat for all of their problems - budget deficits, unemployment, defence spending... It's just such hubris to always look to external sources for the causes of internal decay. No retrospection. No self-examination. As the Chinese say, "反省". I guess it's easy for the government to redirect attention and blame towards China all the time, I just can't believe that the thinking American public would swallow it hook, line and sinker.
The fact of the matter is, it isn't about human rights. It isn't about corruption, or the rights of the Taiwanese, or freedom of speech. It's about the US being scared. Scared that it's position as the only dipshit-who-can-kick-everyone's-asses economically or militarily might one day be undermined by another nation, another people. China will never out-tech America militarily.
Come on, even though China does spend signifant amounts on its defence budget, America's spending far outweighs China's. So unless future US presidents insist on obsessing over Star Wars-ish missile defence shields and other inordinately expensive projects with meagre returns, China will never be on equal footing with America militarily. And besides, who is the US to question China's right to build up a respectable defence force? After all, the US wasn't the nation that was invaded, defeated and forced to unfair treaty terms in the Opium Wars. My knowledge of US history is sketchy at best (so I would gladly bow to superior knowledge in this area), but the only notable war I can recall being fought on US soil would be the Civil War. What gives them the right to critise another nation's defence spending? "Since no nation threatens China, one wonders: Why this growing investment?", I quote the ever quotable Donald Rumsfield. Oh really? And which nation threatens the US? Whatever antagonism the US has garnered from the rest of the world is fully deserved. You would have thought they would have learnt their lesson about sticking their noses in other people's businesses by now.
Economically, sure, there may be a real threat there (I gather this from reading newspapers articles and not from self-professed knowledge, given that I know da shits about Econs 101). But once again, America has no one to blame but itself. The US has grown overly comfortable in its role as sole economic superpower, causing it to overspend dramatically. Like seriously, how can the world's richest nation also have the largest debt? And a current accounts deficit AND a budget deficit? Like... wow. The US should be thankful,in fact, that China keeps gobbling up its Treasury Bonds, since its economy would suffer a bad shock should China suddenly decide stocking up on US Treasury Bonds isn't such a great idea. And the thing about China stealing jobs? That's just plain bullshit. It's blatant protectionism and politics. Period. Every damn report has indicated that shifting low cost production to China is beneficial to the US economy in general. But hey, I guess some folk hear and don't listen.
Ok, enough about economics. One more point to quibble before I sign off. "China does have a lousy human rights track record, is still quite corrupt and is basically an aristocracy..." Yeah? How about Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib? At least China isn't hypocritical and calls a spade a spade. What about the political protesters who were chased off the streets when George Bush came to town to campaign (I read this in an article somewhere, but if you challenge me on it, I'll just concede seeing as I can't remember where)? Like hello, 1st amendment, anyone? Corruption? Don't tell me it doesn't occur in the States. Private campaign donations? Enron & WorldCom? I can't remember if Xerox was mired in scandal as well... And the US, being a bipartisan nation, will not necessarily do better than an aristocracy - after all, both parties have their support groups so mired in their own stances that it is nigh impossible for either party to change their party rhetoric and hope to get elected. So, for better or for worse, they'll be plodding, more or less, along the same old paths.
And last, you didn't mention this point, but I simply have to, since it bugs the hell out of me that the States has such obvious double standards. 'The world has to abide by the decisions of the UN. Well, except myself of course, since I KNOW for a fact that that bastard Saddam is hiding WOMD in his half-assed desert, and hence I can ignore the UN and fight a unilateral, PREEMPTIVE war. Ya see, it's not enough I fight other peoples' wars, now I gotta start 'em too!' And of course 'We demand that China abides by its new responisbilities as a respectable member of the WTO. Open up your damn markets, and unpeg your currency, dammit! Of course, even though the WTO has official abolished all import quotas and restrictions as of January 2005, I don't give a booyah! And Europe is forced to follow my lead in reimposing import quotas as a result. Oh yeah, I'm the fairest nation around.' And don't even get me started on the Bryd Amendment. So please... who is the US to pass judgement on anyone?
Haha, reading through all this, I realised I kinda went off tangent (perhaps even way off) with regards to the interesting article posted (which is simply about US public opinion on China, nothing to do with US fiscal policies and stuff), but what the hell, I typed it all out, no way I'm gonna delete it and just leave. So, for better or worse, here are the comments.
Couple of things to note:
1. I'm not too sure about the pecking order you've just written. Probably the Americans are No.1 (with regards to PRCs)and(most likely) Taiwanese No.2 but after that, it's really a push I think. In terms of significance do you think they really care more about HK than Singapore? Even if they do, I'm sure it's something to do with SARS.
2. I agree about the logic about China's defence spending. I forgot the website but I think that the defence budget of the States pwns the next 15-25 most weapon-rich countries. So it is indeed hypocritical of them.
3. I belive that the first word is actually a typo. (S)He probably meant "we are". In fact, there are a few more errors but I'm sure (s)he was not too interested in being very thorough in a 600+ word comment.
In the end, however, whatever flaws the States has, it doesn't mean that we can ignore China's totalitarian regime. And even though China might (and probably will) never see us as a strategic ally, I guess it's just the Chinese bit (okie, whole) in me that wants to see some AZN pride lay the smack down on Dubya. Although this scene is HIGHLY unlikely to occur, considering that China only has 3 more years to make this wish a reality. Maybe it can do so with little Jebbie instead.
Still, I think that the States is still a very alluring place. Even though I might seem to be bashing it now, there are still many many things I like about it. "Whose Line Is It Anyway" for example. Or the NBA. Or having the freedom to actually write about it with relatively little fear of getting sued. Or having the chance to interact with 3214392805 other races and cultures. I just wish that the administration would be less obnoxious and listen less to the neo-cons.
In other news,
1. MJ is innocent!
2. OMG!! How far will evangelists go to convert people? (Evangelists deserve their own separate post.)
3. (To my brother) Dude, I had like the most fscked up dream about u & C. I dreamt that u were faking me about C and then like u brought her back for dinner. I choked on a mushroom when I saw u 2 2gether. O.O haha. Must have ate too much before I slept. But just FYI.
That aside however, I do believe that the American government or media does have a bone to pick with China. China is the proverbial scapegoat for all of their problems - budget deficits, unemployment, defence spending... It's just such hubris to always look to external sources for the causes of internal decay. No retrospection. No self-examination. As the Chinese say, "反省". I guess it's easy for the government to redirect attention and blame towards China all the time, I just can't believe that the thinking American public would swallow it hook, line and sinker.
The fact of the matter is, it isn't about human rights. It isn't about corruption, or the rights of the Taiwanese, or freedom of speech. It's about the US being scared. Scared that it's position as the only dipshit-who-can-kick-everyone's-asses economically or militarily might one day be undermined by another nation, another people. China will never out-tech America militarily.
Come on, even though China does spend signifant amounts on its defence budget, America's spending far outweighs China's. So unless future US presidents insist on obsessing over Star Wars-ish missile defence shields and other inordinately expensive projects with meagre returns, China will never be on equal footing with America militarily. And besides, who is the US to question China's right to build up a respectable defence force? After all, the US wasn't the nation that was invaded, defeated and forced to unfair treaty terms in the Opium Wars. My knowledge of US history is sketchy at best (so I would gladly bow to superior knowledge in this area), but the only notable war I can recall being fought on US soil would be the Civil War. What gives them the right to critise another nation's defence spending? "Since no nation threatens China, one wonders: Why this growing investment?", I quote the ever quotable Donald Rumsfield. Oh really? And which nation threatens the US? Whatever antagonism the US has garnered from the rest of the world is fully deserved. You would have thought they would have learnt their lesson about sticking their noses in other people's businesses by now.
Economically, sure, there may be a real threat there (I gather this from reading newspapers articles and not from self-professed knowledge, given that I know da shits about Econs 101). But once again, America has no one to blame but itself. The US has grown overly comfortable in its role as sole economic superpower, causing it to overspend dramatically. Like seriously, how can the world's richest nation also have the largest debt? And a current accounts deficit AND a budget deficit? Like... wow. The US should be thankful,in fact, that China keeps gobbling up its Treasury Bonds, since its economy would suffer a bad shock should China suddenly decide stocking up on US Treasury Bonds isn't such a great idea. And the thing about China stealing jobs? That's just plain bullshit. It's blatant protectionism and politics. Period. Every damn report has indicated that shifting low cost production to China is beneficial to the US economy in general. But hey, I guess some folk hear and don't listen.
Ok, enough about economics. One more point to quibble before I sign off. "China does have a lousy human rights track record, is still quite corrupt and is basically an aristocracy..." Yeah? How about Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib? At least China isn't hypocritical and calls a spade a spade. What about the political protesters who were chased off the streets when George Bush came to town to campaign (I read this in an article somewhere, but if you challenge me on it, I'll just concede seeing as I can't remember where)? Like hello, 1st amendment, anyone? Corruption? Don't tell me it doesn't occur in the States. Private campaign donations? Enron & WorldCom? I can't remember if Xerox was mired in scandal as well... And the US, being a bipartisan nation, will not necessarily do better than an aristocracy - after all, both parties have their support groups so mired in their own stances that it is nigh impossible for either party to change their party rhetoric and hope to get elected. So, for better or for worse, they'll be plodding, more or less, along the same old paths.
And last, you didn't mention this point, but I simply have to, since it bugs the hell out of me that the States has such obvious double standards. 'The world has to abide by the decisions of the UN. Well, except myself of course, since I KNOW for a fact that that bastard Saddam is hiding WOMD in his half-assed desert, and hence I can ignore the UN and fight a unilateral, PREEMPTIVE war. Ya see, it's not enough I fight other peoples' wars, now I gotta start 'em too!' And of course 'We demand that China abides by its new responisbilities as a respectable member of the WTO. Open up your damn markets, and unpeg your currency, dammit! Of course, even though the WTO has official abolished all import quotas and restrictions as of January 2005, I don't give a booyah! And Europe is forced to follow my lead in reimposing import quotas as a result. Oh yeah, I'm the fairest nation around.' And don't even get me started on the Bryd Amendment. So please... who is the US to pass judgement on anyone?
Haha, reading through all this, I realised I kinda went off tangent (perhaps even way off) with regards to the interesting article posted (which is simply about US public opinion on China, nothing to do with US fiscal policies and stuff), but what the hell, I typed it all out, no way I'm gonna delete it and just leave. So, for better or worse, here are the comments.
Couple of things to note:
1. I'm not too sure about the pecking order you've just written. Probably the Americans are No.1 (with regards to PRCs)and(most likely) Taiwanese No.2 but after that, it's really a push I think. In terms of significance do you think they really care more about HK than Singapore? Even if they do, I'm sure it's something to do with SARS.
2. I agree about the logic about China's defence spending. I forgot the website but I think that the defence budget of the States pwns the next 15-25 most weapon-rich countries. So it is indeed hypocritical of them.
3. I belive that the first word is actually a typo. (S)He probably meant "we are". In fact, there are a few more errors but I'm sure (s)he was not too interested in being very thorough in a 600+ word comment.
In the end, however, whatever flaws the States has, it doesn't mean that we can ignore China's totalitarian regime. And even though China might (and probably will) never see us as a strategic ally, I guess it's just the Chinese bit (okie, whole) in me that wants to see some AZN pride lay the smack down on Dubya. Although this scene is HIGHLY unlikely to occur, considering that China only has 3 more years to make this wish a reality. Maybe it can do so with little Jebbie instead.
Still, I think that the States is still a very alluring place. Even though I might seem to be bashing it now, there are still many many things I like about it. "Whose Line Is It Anyway" for example. Or the NBA. Or having the freedom to actually write about it with relatively little fear of getting sued. Or having the chance to interact with 3214392805 other races and cultures. I just wish that the administration would be less obnoxious and listen less to the neo-cons.
In other news,
1. MJ is innocent!
2. OMG!! How far will evangelists go to convert people? (Evangelists deserve their own separate post.)
3. (To my brother) Dude, I had like the most fscked up dream about u & C. I dreamt that u were faking me about C and then like u brought her back for dinner. I choked on a mushroom when I saw u 2 2gether. O.O haha. Must have ate too much before I slept. But just FYI.
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Interesting article about (North American) public opinion on the emergence of China on to the global scene.
I don't really know what to make of it. On the one hand, China does have a lousy human rights track record, is still quite corrupt and is basically an aristocracy (And we know how aristocracies turn out right? eg. French Revolution). However, it seems as if the situation over there is improving and perhaps the (North) Americans are worried about their own dominance on the global scene being threatened by the new kid on the block? Maybe after years of being the only superpower in the world, the States (okie, I can't really speak for Canada, cos I don't know nothing aboot it) is fretting that soon, when it says "Jump" people will not only NOT say "How high" but instead will say "What for?".
I'm definitely biased in this case. I hope that China cleans up its act (ideally within the next 10-20 years) and shows the world that Asians are more than pretty Japanese/Korean/Taiwanese school girls with weird fetishes.
Perhaps then, the Americans will realise the hubris they have had for the last 20 odd years or so and try to integrate into the global society instead of trying to play Punk'd with everybody else.
I do realise that this desire to see China emerge is fuelled in part by a desire to see the States taken down a notch or two. But I don't think it's malicious. It's more of a "just desserts" kind of feeling. I'm sure the people who heard me argue this out at Starbucks can vouch for me. (Right guys? *wink wink*)
Well, that's just how I feel personally. In any case, I think that China can't be stopped. It's really a rising dragon. So everyone will have to adapt to the new socio-economic landscape whether they like it or not.
P.S - Let's hear what you guys think okie? If you're scared of detention or anything, use a fake name.
I don't really know what to make of it. On the one hand, China does have a lousy human rights track record, is still quite corrupt and is basically an aristocracy (And we know how aristocracies turn out right? eg. French Revolution). However, it seems as if the situation over there is improving and perhaps the (North) Americans are worried about their own dominance on the global scene being threatened by the new kid on the block? Maybe after years of being the only superpower in the world, the States (okie, I can't really speak for Canada, cos I don't know nothing aboot it) is fretting that soon, when it says "Jump" people will not only NOT say "How high" but instead will say "What for?".
I'm definitely biased in this case. I hope that China cleans up its act (ideally within the next 10-20 years) and shows the world that Asians are more than pretty Japanese/Korean/Taiwanese school girls with weird fetishes.
Perhaps then, the Americans will realise the hubris they have had for the last 20 odd years or so and try to integrate into the global society instead of trying to play Punk'd with everybody else.
I do realise that this desire to see China emerge is fuelled in part by a desire to see the States taken down a notch or two. But I don't think it's malicious. It's more of a "just desserts" kind of feeling. I'm sure the people who heard me argue this out at Starbucks can vouch for me. (Right guys? *wink wink*)
Well, that's just how I feel personally. In any case, I think that China can't be stopped. It's really a rising dragon. So everyone will have to adapt to the new socio-economic landscape whether they like it or not.
P.S - Let's hear what you guys think okie? If you're scared of detention or anything, use a fake name.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Few quickie posts.
1. THANKS Kwong. That really made my day. =)
2. New Pics are UP! Don't know if you guys had realised earlier that "Dayat's Birthday" & "Spring Fest" were up already but now you do. Also, the MUCH awaited "Last Days of Spring" aka Summer Vacation is also up.
3. My paycheck got delayed cos my boss didn't return from vacation early enough to sign my time slip... Ugh. No cha-ching for me this week. On the bright side though, this means I will get a UBER-cash out the next time( To anyone who earns significantly above min. wage, please spare me the humiliation). Certainly something to look forward to.
4. Eat your veggies.
1. THANKS Kwong. That really made my day. =)
2. New Pics are UP! Don't know if you guys had realised earlier that "Dayat's Birthday" & "Spring Fest" were up already but now you do. Also, the MUCH awaited "Last Days of Spring" aka Summer Vacation is also up.
3. My paycheck got delayed cos my boss didn't return from vacation early enough to sign my time slip... Ugh. No cha-ching for me this week. On the bright side though, this means I will get a UBER-cash out the next time( To anyone who earns significantly above min. wage, please spare me the humiliation). Certainly something to look forward to.
4. Eat your veggies.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Fscked. Sprained my hand. Can't type properly...
This post is pathetically short and now that my hand is a little better, I'm going to flesh this one out.
因为我出国留学,我在祖国的朋友不算多。可是,他们就是我的结拜兄弟。不管我有喜有难,我知道"they got my back", 一定会支持我的。这样我就说声“谢谢”。
My apologies if you can't understand the above, but I felt that it would be best if I tried to convey my feelings in chinese.
Another interesting note, Ah Seng never never uses the UPPERCASE. Wonder why?
This post is pathetically short and now that my hand is a little better, I'm going to flesh this one out.
因为我出国留学,我在祖国的朋友不算多。可是,他们就是我的结拜兄弟。不管我有喜有难,我知道"they got my back", 一定会支持我的。这样我就说声“谢谢”。
My apologies if you can't understand the above, but I felt that it would be best if I tried to convey my feelings in chinese.
Another interesting note, Ah Seng never never uses the UPPERCASE. Wonder why?
Monday, June 06, 2005
Recently, me and a few friends were discussing about life in the States vs life back home. The conclusions are not up to me to say because I'm aware of the ISA and Guantanamo Bay and I'm deathly afraid of both. But let me present some thoughts about life in the States.
1.Religion is on the rise here. And by religion I mean Christianity and Catholicism (tricky spelling there). This resurgence of religious fervour is coupled with a thinner and thinner distinction between the Church and State. This can be seen by the openly pro-conservative stances the Bush administration takes on the right to die and abortion, the two issues the conservatives want to change right now.
This has caused some vague sense of uneasiness as the States is a big country, with about 300 million people (5th most populous nation in the world).
This was supposed to be some deep, thoughtful and analytical piece on the affect of the State on the Church and vice versa here. However, it's just too hard. Religion is such a touchy subject, discussing it(at my level) would be something I don't have the time and energy to see through. So I'll just leave it as: Religion - What's yours is yours and damned if you try to force it on your neighbour.
*Please don't flame me*
2. Is it just me? Or is there some kind of spam bot that randomly hits on your page from some other poor unsuspecting blogspot site? Please confirm for me peeps.
This has caused some vague sense of uneasiness as the States is a big country, with about 300 million people (5th most populous nation in the world).
This was supposed to be some deep, thoughtful and analytical piece on the affect of the State on the Church and vice versa here. However, it's just too hard. Religion is such a touchy subject, discussing it(at my level) would be something I don't have the time and energy to see through. So I'll just leave it as: Religion - What's yours is yours and damned if you try to force it on your neighbour.
*Please don't flame me*
2. Is it just me? Or is there some kind of spam bot that randomly hits on your page from some other poor unsuspecting blogspot site? Please confirm for me peeps.
Wow. Just got back from the lab (on a Sunday no less). WOW! Nobody has zinged me about my pic yet. I'm amazed. It's benn about 24 hours already. And NOTHING. AM I THAT INSIGNIFICANT PEOPLE?? Diss me already!!
Here are the rants of a service sector worker. Awww. Poor thing. I would just like to say that while I'm sure some people act like that, some of the Indians I've met here are cool. Like Milkshake cool (I don't even know if he's paying attention). So I guess that there are all sorts of people for every race. Ah Seng just got unlucky.
People, especially those back home, cross your fingers for me as I try to figure a way to go back this August. I don't know how exactly, but I want to try. Cos I realise that if I don't go back now and do actually get a job here next year, winter(i.e Dec) will be my only chance to go home and see my family and friends. And you can NEVER have too much time to see family and friends. So dang it. I want to go back. (Actually, only those back home need to cross their fingers. I'm sure there are some peeps here that will be glad to see me go. PFFFTT to them)
Here are the rants of a service sector worker. Awww. Poor thing. I would just like to say that while I'm sure some people act like that, some of the Indians I've met here are cool. Like Milkshake cool (I don't even know if he's paying attention). So I guess that there are all sorts of people for every race. Ah Seng just got unlucky.
People, especially those back home, cross your fingers for me as I try to figure a way to go back this August. I don't know how exactly, but I want to try. Cos I realise that if I don't go back now and do actually get a job here next year, winter(i.e Dec) will be my only chance to go home and see my family and friends. And you can NEVER have too much time to see family and friends. So dang it. I want to go back. (Actually, only those back home need to cross their fingers. I'm sure there are some peeps here that will be glad to see me go. PFFFTT to them)
Sunday, June 05, 2005

To placate the masses =)
TADA! My new short hair. Really really convenient. Especially now with the weather being really sunny and hot and me running low on shampoo.
I bought the wrong type of rice. It's the sushi kind. Problem is, I don't make sushi. And the rice just hardens up in the fridge. Damn. Have to go and buy more rice again I guess.
Other Thoughts:
1. Mr Stephon S. is one lucky dawg. Goddamn S.O.B!!! ARGHAGRHAGRHGAR.
2. Payday is NEXT WEEK!! WOOTZORZ^2!!
3. Seems like other people too have had their go at the emotional rollercoaster. Well to them, I say all the best. We are still young. Plenty of time to be "dangerous". (Okie, so that was a lame reference. Bite me.)
4. Here's to hoping that the money man "Flash" Wade is up and running and will be whacking Detroit's sorry ass on Monday. BEAT DETROIT!!!!!!!!
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Finally got my hair cut. It was getting way to messy up there to manage. Now it's a lot shorter and I don't need to dry my hair before I sleep.
Re-installed windows on my laptop. And it COMPLETELY screwed up my monitor settings. Now I have a black bar about 1 inch thick on the right side of my screen... Help anyone? Please?
Re-installed windows on my laptop. And it COMPLETELY screwed up my monitor settings. Now I have a black bar about 1 inch thick on the right side of my screen... Help anyone? Please?
Wednesday, June 01, 2005

My downstairs neighbour(s) should be in a strait jacket for his (their) own safety. (Okie, I'm gonna assume it's them to clear up the grammar.) They are shit-assed crazies. Banging on their ceiling (my floor) seems to be their favourite hobby and they will follow me around to do it too. And it's not even like I'm jumping up and down or blasting music at all. Although when I get DDR with Mario all bets are off.
But still, I'm trying not to derive pleasure from making them do that. Cos in order to change, I have to get over the fact that getting even makes me happy. I'm better than those aurally challenged people living below me. Haha, in fact, they ARE below me already. Har har. Props to Miss Sim for pointing out how I should treat people like these.
A few parting words though, IF you are one of them, Suck It You Shitheads.
There, I feel all better now.
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