Monday, August 15, 2005

Interesting Things

Went to the dentist today. Hopefully I have whiter teeth now. Then went shopping for stationary and comic books in Orchard. Bought $20 worth of stationary (And hopefully enough pencil lead to last me for awhile). I FINALLY finished the Full Metal Panic comic series, 9 books in total, over 3 years!! Now I can just wait for FMP:The 2nd Raid.

Anyways, while in Books (Kinokuniya), Ah Seng and I came across this Russian book. Apparently, lamp in Russian is "Lahm-Pah". Please feel free to insert your own dirty joke. We were laughing at the language aisles for sometime over that one.

Had dinner with my old JC classmates (or at least those that we could still contact) yesterday. It was fun reminiscing about old times and interesting to see how old friends have changed. I wish I could post the pics now guys, but unfortunately, my USB cable is not with me. So you'll have to wait awhile. My bad.

Lastly, I just had to show this pic (bloody hell, tried to use blogger to upload, but the alignment is screwed to hell). Hilarious. He'd definitely get my vote.Taken from 8 Bit Theatre.

Actually, come to think of it. It's only 1 interesting thing...

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