Thursday, August 11, 2005

Finally Dim Sum

Just a short post. Going to get the car tomorrow so have to wake up early. I finally had dim sum at Red Star Restaurant. The food wasn't too bad, and the prices were reasonable. But I had a chance to eat the marinated steam pork ribs. My favourite dim sum dish. That was a loooonnnngggg time coming and they tasted so good. The flavour was accentuated by the company. It's a real comfort being back among old friends. THANKS GUYS.

I think I might owe Apple Singapore an apology. Apparently, Ken says that he's accessed the internet before using a powerbook. Since that occasion was in the past, and with a different mac (I tried with the mac mini), I might be wrong. I'll try to confirm that before I fly. But what the heck, just hoot first. 先斩后奏。

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