Sunday, September 25, 2005

Tragic Comedy?

Web-surfing before doing work can lead to new websites that one never thought even existed. For example, Katrina:The Gathering is something that I have never saw coming. It's funny and yet, there is a sense of loss at not only the disaster that befell the unfortunate people of New Orleans, but the incompetence and sanctimony of some of the people "in-charge". A caveat: If you didn't/don't play Magic:The Gathering, some of the terms and jokes might be lost on you.

This is another ridiculous thing. It's about WoW and gold buying and divorce. Hilarious. Probably fake, but hilarious nonetheless.

Lastly, I hate my car company. I called them on friday saying I need a new temporary licence cos mine expires today, they said ok. And it's supposed to be over-night mail too. It's sunday already and I can't drive cos of them lazy asses. Don't trust Evanston Toyota. They suck. (Of course, this is said in a real fit of annoyance and inconvenience, but I think they still suck.)


Anonymous said...

Dawn Eden's Blog On: La. pizzeria owner seeks slices of NYC
A new blog has the unlikely title "Brooklyn Pizzeria Needs Help After Katrina" . Why would a "Brooklyn Pizzeria" need aid in the wake of the Gulf Coast hurricane? Simple - it's in the Big Easy.
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!

I have a "the rich jerk" site. It pretty much covers "the rich jerk" related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

Anonymous said...

Haha... that's so sad about the WoW thing. If it's real, the lady is kinda stupid to divorce him for that kinda thing cuz I think you only get banned from WoW and I doubt they'll press charges anyway.

Anonymous said...

yah loh. Quite funny + stupid = funid.