Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Terror from Deep

Giant squids, you can't live with them, you can't live without them (if you're a sperm whale that lives in deep waters that is). But now you can, for the first time in my living memory, see them LIVE and (somewhat) clearly!!

Brought to you by your childhood (or rather my childhood) memory of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

P.S - In a more crass joke, I guess Mike Brown (former head of FEMA) is the true terror from deep.(The joke is some attempt at equating deep with flooding. Yes I know it's really non-existent, but I was lazy to reword the title.) Such a ball-less man. I bet his backbone is made of yogurt.


Anonymous said...

man, somebody's spamming ur comments section...

Anonymous said...

It's probably some bot. It's irritating but it's the price I pay for freedom of speech I guess.

Anonymous said...

xian says hi and asks when u're coming to the pitt.=)

Anonymous said...

hmm... Good qn. Does Xian want to go vegas on thanksgiving?