Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Quite a stir over a scholars and their online voices recently. All I have to add is: Thank God I got out while I could. While I COULD ramble abit more about stuff like that, I owe too much to my family and friends to get this site and myself into trouble. Anyone who wants to know my opinion(s), please PM me.

FINALLY finished with the GODDAMN statistics project. I am such a loser. The maximum allowable limit was 125 runs (or tries) but I took 146 runs to finish. Then again, the instructions were bad and there was a general sense of ~EVIL~ karma in the place. I hope something bad happens to the people who invent such torture to inflict on innocent students. Like suddenly becoming anal retentive or having monkeys coming out of their ears...

Well, I'm done with the project but I still have to do the report... Damn. I'm too tired to curse. ~Just insert your favourite image of me swearing here.~

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