Fighting the forces of the Examitor...
If the were a superhero to take on the force of academia, I would imagine that he would look like that and sport a name like Captain PaperBag or something.
But anyway, after the most horrendous and morale depleting Mon-Tue-Wed in my recent history, I feel all better now.

Because I know I have my well-wisher(s) (you know who you are, thanks!) and because everyone (well, more or less everyone) felt the same way as I did and so I won't be that far off the grade curve.
So today was a far more relaxing day than the past few nightmarish ones and I ended up at Ah Seng's place playing a few games. Namely Star Wars Battle Front and Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. Both are really really awesome games. In fact, it was so fun, this was how we looked like.

Me and Ah Seng.
Solid props goes to Masamania for the pics.
Edit: The game was Star Wars Battle Front. And the Mr Happy pic is (obviously) not from Masamania.
Edit: The Naruto pics went down in a flame of "Yucks" and "Huh?".
J より
Yeah. I would agree. Pretty interesting.
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