Still, after the whole ordeal was over, the Gang (another Uppercase First Letter word), went to pizza hut to get some pizza buffet. While the buffet itself was unexciting and highly highly ordinary (save for the blueberry dessert thin crust super sweet pizza), we had lots of fun destressing and coming up with nicknames for our members.
In order to save the names for posterity, I shall post them now. In no particular order:
1. Akshay : Milkshake.

Because he's smooth with the girls and also because Carolyn can't stand milk.
2. Jayme : The Exploding Ball of Fury (EBOF)

This is what I think a potential EBOF looks like. One Scary Lady.
3. kAkAk : Baby Panda

I didn't come up with this one. Her parents did. I have no idea why.
4. Abang : 'Bang 'Bang (pronounced Bah-ng Bah-ng)

Cos he's just a cute (a)bang (a)bang. =) Note: Abang is Malay for elder brother and this was the best pic I could find with 'Bang Bang'. Please disregard Cher.
5. Carolyn : Oatmeal

Smart people eat oatmeal don't they?
6. Mina : BSK

She's ghetto. 'Nuff said.
7. Me : HDP

It was original honeydew pudding but then became High Density Polymer since we are all chem e's and we felt it was more appropriate. However, I couldn't find a nice pic of a HDP. So here's a public service announcement instead. Cheers.
There must be infinity + 1 kittens in this world then.
lol. Erm more than that I think. Cos they are ALL AROUND US!!
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