Monday, October 09, 2006

Tech News

So Google bought Youtube and as the article says, reactions to the deal are very varied. It'll be interesting to see how Google actually makes money off of Youtube, although I doubt that even if Youtube/Google is sued into closure, the legacy of viewing media online will end.

Well, my Lenovo (IBM) saga is still continuing. I bought a wireless adaptor card of the laptop but no matter what I tried, I couldn't get the laptop dismantled to instal the card. Calling tech support was of no benefit. All they could do was read the instructions off the online manual and tell me,"If you can take off the keyboard sir, the wireless card panel is right underneath." And Lenovo pays people to say this? A simple automated voice message that says "ALL YOUR BASES ARE BELONG TO US" would do the job equally well. So now, instead of being able to setup my laptop like 2 weeks ago, I have to send it to Lenovo to install the damn adaptor for me and then wait for them to send it back. WTF is that all about?!

Oh well, at least if I do it soon, the laptop should be back by the end of the month. Then I can retire this Toshiba for good.

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