As a sign of respect to E.B.O.F. (and because I fear for my life), I'm not going to finish that phrase. But I do believe, that the ability to distinguish cowardice and foolhardiness is essential in any form to confrontation. To do so will not only do your allies right in battle, but the thing is, the crux of any battle is attrition and to win, you must be able to brave the odds.
Today, I had allies who were like this during normal times.
But come battle, they became thus.
So remember, do your teammates a favour and when you are the f*cking tank, don't let the nukers suffer. The CM will thank you for that by disabling the people who are chasing you the next time.
Note - When the low health spell caster has more kills than someone that is build like a tank (Slardar), the only result is a "/ban XXX condemned!!!!". Sorry for the semi-cryptic in-game reference.
Today, I had allies who were like this during normal times.

But come battle, they became thus.

So remember, do your teammates a favour and when you are the f*cking tank, don't let the nukers suffer. The CM will thank you for that by disabling the people who are chasing you the next time.
Note - When the low health spell caster has more kills than someone that is build like a tank (Slardar), the only result is a "/ban XXX condemned!!!!". Sorry for the semi-cryptic in-game reference.
Trivia of the day:
Did you know?
Did you know that diffusal blade's purge will insta-kill an infernal (w/o repel)? Talk about a counter to warlock!
Oh yeah, and i dun actually think your note is defensible. In fact, a lot of times low life spell casters (Leshrac, Lion, CM, Lina, WD et al) SHOULD get more kills than the tank. I mean, the tank is there to soak up damage, not get the kills.
Doesn't mean the tank player ain't sucky, but it really shouldn't be based on your respective kills.
Other interesting trivia (that seriously affect gameplay):
1. Laser is "precise dmg" meaning that it does NOT suffer from hero reduction (or armour reduction)! Yup, it does a full 320 dmg - it is however, stopped completely by magic immunity or DECREP (this is because it is attack type hero, not attack type magic, and hence deals no dmg to decrepified units)!!!
This gives food for thought in deciding farming tinker or killer tinker.
2. All buffs based on the same original buff do not stack - the last one will trigger. A short list of things that do NOT stack:
Buffs based on berserk:
- MoM w/ Troll's ult
- MoM w/ Sprint (!!!)
- Mom w/ frenzy (either viper or razor, probably lina too)
Buffs based on Roar:
- God's strength with Howl (!!!)
- Battle cry with Howl
- God's strength w/ GA (!!!)
- DD rune with ANY of them (holy shit, this is HUGE - needs to be tested esp for God's Strength and Howl) (!!!)
Buffs based on Bloodlust:
- Bloodlust and Rabid
- Bloodlust and Thirst (BS)
- Bloodlust and Mark of the Abyss (LoA)
In all cases, the last buff to trigger takes effect (but the animation will be for the earlier buff)
3. Cleave:
For MKB, the mini stun + dmg procs only on the main target, not on the surrounding units, but crits DO carry over into cleave (so any hero with crit should probably get a BF), but i'm sure you already knew this.
The interesting thing about cleave is that the dmg that cleave does to adjacent targets ignores armour value (not armour type, but value) - so you deal the precise percentage of damage to the surrounding units. So say you deal 100 dmg on your attack before armour reduction. If your cleave was at 50%, you would deal 50 damage to surrounding units REGARDLESS of their armour value. If armour type is fortified etc then this 50 would be modified, but armour value is moot. So technically you can kill someone under the benefit of GA by hitting the dude next to him. This... is freaking awesome. Stacking bf's + innate cleave means insane dmg to surrounding units.
Wow, didn't realise i would learn so much from visiting the mechanics section of the website.
1. Where the hell did you read all of this?
2. You have waaay too much free time on your hands.
3. For a 95 min game, would you expect slardar or cm to have more kills? Considering the cm has about the same farming ability as a headless chicken... I would expect slardar to be better decked. However, when the cm had her agahims, BKB and boots, slardar only had S&Y (separate) and treads. That's a truly cmi thing i suspect.
Welcome to DotA 101!!
This class will teach you which hero to pick, what to do, how to do it, and get m-M-m-MONSTER Kills!! =)
I'm not satisfied with MmmMonster kills. I want HOLY SHIT! Or failing that, I'd settle for GodLike.
Actually, this is more like DotA 331.
DotA 101 would be like, "how not to die 3 times in a row in identical situations while using Pugna"
And the stuff is interesting. Definitely should have spent that time better, but it's really interesting, and i suspect can (though it probably won't affect me) shape one's DotA game better. It's all on the mechanics section of the dota website.
Treads and S&Y... 95 minutes, bwahahahahahaha... (actually, just agha, BKB and boots?! o.O)
No lah. At the end of 95 minutes, it was guinsoo, agha, BKB, BoT and I can't remember what. Guinsoo i traded for a euls. The slardar had Butter(kop'd), S&Y(Full), Heart, Treads.
Open in Cat Form with Pounce. Mangle Mangle Mangle Ferocious Bite. Change to caster, Cyclone. Healing Touch. Change to bear --> Feral Charge. Mangle Maul Mangle Maul. Change to caster. War Stomp --> Regrowth. Change to bear ... rinse and repeat. Don't forget Rejuvs and Lifeblooms ...
2 complex lah. I can't fight in 3D.
Technically, isn't WC3 3D?
Well, I guess, but i've yet to find someone who plays a land eye view of dota.
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