Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Appearances can be deceiving...

I'm going to show you a video of an ad. Before the ad is over, try to guess which company it's trying to promote. I'm pretty sure that unless unless you've seen it before, you'll not get it right.

Surprising eh. Even the name of the bank is misleading. When I first heard it, I thought its origins were from Asia. But it's not. (Woah, two examples of "its" and "it's")

Another thing that might be misleading is the concept that the government cares for you. Apparently, to certain government related individuals, the people who pay taxes to the government, but vote for the opposition, do not deserve the government's attention nor care. That's really f*cked up. I'd post the link, but I don't want to get tracked back. So I'll just copy and paste from the Young PAP Blog (

The self-intro:
I’m an activist in the PAP – Hougang Branch since 2002.
His point of view:
The residents in Hougang appreciate what the ruling party or the government has done all these years since independence. However, they felt that the ruling party did not show sympathy and empathy towards the feelings of the residents in Hougang. Many still bear grudges against the ruling party for its decision to relocate the farmers in Hougang/Punggol back in the 70’s/80’s. Hence, votes were given to the Workers’ Party (WP) all these years as Mr Low Thia Khiang, in their opinion, has shown that he empathized with them.

The kicker (emphasis mine):
This, to me, has to be put to an end. Politics is not a game. There is a price to pay for a decision to choose a political candidate and party. One cannot claim that he is a taxpayer and should benefit from the likes of those in a PAP constituency when he voted for the opposition. Have we taken our efficient and incorruptible system and political stability for granted? Can WP garner its own support and resources to benefit the residents of Hougang instead of whining and complaining that the government is not doing enough?

Holy shit. I'd like to say more, but that's neither here nor there. I leave to the reader to draw your own interpretation of the future of the country if people like that ever make it as a *cough*leader*cough*. I think I'd better start researching about that green card thingymajig.

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