Wednesday, August 30, 2006

WARNING : Controversial Subject Ahead

Fair warning has been given. I wasn't planning to post anything originally but I came across this quote from Stephen Roberts that I found really interesting. Most people who know me well enough probably know that I am non-religious and generally don't like evangelism or any insistence that I must believe in a certain God to save myself from eternal damnation. So I found this following quote simulating. Without further ado here it is.
"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

Please discuss. It's a new concept that I've never thought about before.


Anonymous said...

he is talking cock. ~zhenz~

Anonymous said...

I agree...And that not because I believe in a God but its cause it's a logical fallacy... His 2 statments are unrelated. Its like saying "Knowledge is power and Power corrupts. Therefore Knowledge is Evil" ;)

How it going man =)


sadfszdfasdf said...

the relevant analogy, i think, is the search for a wife. you don't keep exploring all of the women before settling down. you find one that fits well enough, and you stick with her.

christians will argue the same way, though i think quite a sizeable proportion of them haven't tried outside of their own church. to that extent the statement has something to recommend it.

Anonymous said...

Brandon, 1. why are the 2 statements disconnected? Your given example would, if followed to the conclusion, be that knowledge corrupts (the truth of which is debatable but irrelevant in this context). So your example doesn't hold.
2. You disappear for so long and reappear now? WTF...

Zee, I don't think he's saying that he's "shopping" for a religion. I think he's saying that religious people dismiss all other gods but theirs and he's just taking that dismissal 1step further. Not only does he dismiss all other gods but theirs, he dismisses theirs as well. That's not like shopping around for a religion yeah?

Anonymous said...

So the statement would appear to be relevent for religious bigots or strict believers who follow the 'there is but one God' mantra, but not so for more open-minded people who still believe in a particular God (in accordance with whatever religion they believe in) but do not dismiss the Gods of other religions (in which case the wife analogy appears more fitting)?