Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Pass My Time

So here I am, on the 2nd day of school, typing out my blog entry. The whole campus sizzles with a mixture of freshmen-enthusiasm and people-getting-lost-frenzies. Yet for me, all of those things are in the past. It's relatively idyllic just settling my housing and getting ready to move up (and on) with life. Now I know why all those people said to treasure your college days and I guess I coulda spent them better if I had a chance, but I don't have any real regrets. I've made good friends throughout my life, tried hard in education, maybe slacked a bit in other aspects and had a generally fun filled existence. But I guess all that is in my past already.

I'm moving tomorrow and it's such a hassle. But at least it's better now that I know the route there much better. Last week, when I went up to confirm the apartment, I got sooo lost. The first time I got lost was when I chose to exit 80/94 on exit 2 which is highway 41 South. I was supposed to go highway 41 North (exit 1) but because of traffic on 80/94 I thought I would save time by going south a bit and turning around. Well, it turned out that the next exit on 41 South was 20 minutes south. So I had to travel 20 minutes south, another 5 minutes west and then 20 minutes north to reach exit 1 on 80/94. Boom 1 hour gone just like that... Oh well, maybe it's time i switched to American Express and have as much success as Andy Roddick.

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