Wednesday, September 06, 2006

First Day

So today was the first day at work and it was rather tamer than what I expected. So here's a rough chronological narrative of my day.
6:30 Alarm rang, was supposed to wake up to exercise.
7:00 Realized I turned the alarm off unwittingly. Jolted out of bed. Rapid teeth brushing and instant face washing ensues.
7:15 The most important meal of the day consisted of 1x Honey White bread and 1x plum.
7:30 Started the journey to work. I allowed 10 minutes of extra traffic time.
7:50 Realised that I needed every minute of that extra time as there was some road work along the way. I noticed that the road dividers here are shallow and broad (~ 2inches) and pose no barrier for people who want to turn left or right. Thank god for advanced planning.
8:00 First step into the office. Meekly looked around, practically radiated "newbness". Made myself very easy to pick out from the crowd. Was herded to the relevant division. Settled down and went to see my boss.
8:05 Got first assignment. Reformat data sheets. Boss briefed me and told me who to seek help from.
8:30 Got notice that I would be taking part in a 9am meeting. "Oh My God"-ed.
9:00 Went to meeting. Sat down and shut up and listened. It was a sales meeting chaired by the President. It was interesting to see how the high level people interact and what they discuss.
11:30 Meeting adjourned. Went for Subway lunch.
12:50 Started on the spreadsheet.
13:10 Learnt how to freeze and unfreeze panes in Excel.
13:30 Learnt how to wrap text in a cell.
16:30 Listened to the project managers discuss golfing and how they suck/pwn.
16:50 Started searching for VBA for Excel to Word conversions. Anyone can help me?
17:10 Gave up and went home. Stopped by the toilet and laughed maniacally.

What a day. Waiting for my new laptop to come. Ships 9/21. I can start counting down liao. Haha.

Edit: If you found that boring reading then perhaps this would be more interesting. For guys, and for girls.


Anonymous said...

Wtf? You didn't know how to freeze/wrap text?! n00b! =P What did being the PA in Gombak Medical Centre teach you?? As for the VBA, unfortuately, that is beyond me.

PS: So are you coming up to NU on the weekend I get back, or just to Chinatown and expect me to ferry my lil butt down to Chinatown to meet you?

Anonymous said...

Eh, I was Medic I/C Treatment. I never touched Ms Office at Gombak loh...

And yeah this Sat you want to go Japan Mkt? In Arlington, about 30-45mins away. You can ask your friends as well. And Loong wants to meet up.