The interview wasn't fantastic. It went okie, but I don't think I was outstanding. But it was sure as hell long. It lasted for 75 minutes. On the phone. By the time it ended, my ear was all warm and fuzzy already. A gruelling experience.
In any case, it seems like many koreans are bitter about their country's lost to Switzerland in the World Cup. It maybe karma after all, but the Swiss lost to Ukraine. That probably will not assuage the feelings of many patriotic koreans, like my friend. Here is a short transcript of our conversation on MSN.
More elaboration.
Post game anaylsis. Incidentally, the referee was Argentinean.
So as you can see, some ruffled feathers in Korea this week.
Now for some more videos. Youtube is the bomb. It has everything you can think of. Unfortunately, whenever their server is down for maintence, you'll see a lot of white screens on this website.
This is a really funny commercial for Fanta. It's really non-sensical. But funny.
Here are some videos of a Japanese magician. A more comprehensive list can be found here.
For this trick, he skewers a pre-selected card while bungee jumping into a pool from a platform 52 metres above the pool. Check it out.
In this other video, he does "shadow magic" and "food magic". Must be seen to be believed!! Incidentally, the food does look good too. Oisou da na!!
Lastly, this is the inspirational poster of the day.
In any case, it seems like many koreans are bitter about their country's lost to Switzerland in the World Cup. It maybe karma after all, but the Swiss lost to Ukraine. That probably will not assuage the feelings of many patriotic koreans, like my friend. Here is a short transcript of our conversation on MSN.
Zueig: so no more soccer?
Anonymous Korean Friend (AKF): fucking referee
AKF: it was bull shit
Zueig.: iicic
More elaboration.
Zueig.: i didn't see the 2nd goal
AKF: not only that but
AKF: the through out the whole game
AKF: he was so....fucking..
Post game anaylsis. Incidentally, the referee was Argentinean.
AKF: i think we did really good under that condition..referee being one of the swidsh team
AKF: his wife is swiss
AKF: and the president of FIFA is swiss
AKF: and...the switzerland president was watching the game from the stadium and
AKF: one of the players wife is daughter of FIFA president
AKF: so wut can i say..
AKF: it was all planed
So as you can see, some ruffled feathers in Korea this week.
Now for some more videos. Youtube is the bomb. It has everything you can think of. Unfortunately, whenever their server is down for maintence, you'll see a lot of white screens on this website.
This is a really funny commercial for Fanta. It's really non-sensical. But funny.
Here are some videos of a Japanese magician. A more comprehensive list can be found here.
For this trick, he skewers a pre-selected card while bungee jumping into a pool from a platform 52 metres above the pool. Check it out.
In this other video, he does "shadow magic" and "food magic". Must be seen to be believed!! Incidentally, the food does look good too. Oisou da na!!
Lastly, this is the inspirational poster of the day.

good luck w the interview results!! :)
Thanks. It went well. :D
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