Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Obiwoon's most recent post discusses his views on racial harmony and racism in the supposedly harmonious multi-cultural society of Singapore. Also, he talks a little bit about a stick in the mud blogger who obviously has a chip on her shoulder and has decided to let the world know about it.

His post got me thinking about the whole issue of racism. Having been both a minority and a majority (if there is such a term) in different countries, I would say that most racism is somewhat harmless. In the sense that if some white person were to call me "chink", it wouldn't hurt me personally. It might be insulting, but that is just a passing moment. Even if the person were to give me some threatening gesture, it would not be more than an unpleasant moment. Rarely, if ever, do I see cases of physical and emotional abuse due to racism. It more like small, irritating things that happen, like not getting help from the TA before the Americans. And personally, I would be lying if I said I never exhibited racism or at least racially motivated behaviour. I've laughed at Indian jokes, blonde jokes, Malay jokes and many more. Crude? Perhaps. Tasteless? Certainly (in some cases). But like Obiwoon pointed out, there needs to be a sense of humour when you encounter such behaviour. Take it with a pinch of salt.

However, if you asked me to beat someone up just because they have a different culture or background, that would be wrong. Or to ignore them cos their skin tones are different from mine, that would not sit well with me at all. So I guess people can call me a moderate racist then? If they wish to?

Hmm, looking back, I realise that my post is kinda meandering and doesn't make much sense. However, I would urge all my readers to remember you don't throw stones in a glass house. If you think you have the moral high ground to condemn people about racist behaviours, take a moment to reflect on your actions. I think it's rare that someone will have a totally clean slate.

So er, moral of the story is feel free to laugh at racist jokes but remember that it's just a joke? I guess that's that.

Any thoughts?

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