I started work today and hobbling around on crutches is not the easiest thing to do. At least the building has an elevator. I remember back in JC where I had to climb stairs to get to class in crutches! At least I had an excuse for being late back then. Now I kinda feel like that crocodile from Peter Pan. Whenever I move about, there's that distinct Tchak Tchak noise of crutches. Anyone can tell I'm coming around. In addition to that, I have squeaky sneakers which makes me rhythm in motion when I go about. Tchak squeak Tchak squeak.
On the bright side, recovery seems to be going fairly smoothly. I hope to be off 2 crutches by the end of the month and off all crutches by mid of Dec.
sneakers... u wear sneakers to work!? mayb i should too... using my foot problem excuse.
Haha. I am engineering firm loh. No need to make up to meet client all the time mah.
so you're on more than 2 crutches right now?? How does that work? O_o
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