Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Secret to Peace of Mind is

Lotion. My squeaky sneakers are squeaky no more! All thanks to lotion. I put lotion around the orthothetic sole and now it's only the tchak tchak of my crutches that gives away my coming and goings.

So it was definitely not Jeff Dunham style lotion. No SIREE. Nothing like this.

Nothing at all.

Also, if you are able to, you should watch Celeb to Binbotarou (セレブと貧乏太郎). It's a fantastic jdrama about rich spoilt girl and poor working guy. Not exactly a very innovative plot, but the I think it's a comedy that's kinda like Scrubs, where the little touches show that it's a good series. Plus it has a very catch ending theme song.

I totally dig the princess outfit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the game throwback game concept & the singer is cute and pulls off the different getups well, but the princess getup reminds me of jolin tsai

PS: The ending (excluding the hot air balloon) is kinda retarded