Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Total Wipeout

So Comcast has been sucking balls lately. My Pudge has spent more time fighting lag than enemy heroes, so with some regret, I have to renounce my dota-ing. For the near future at least. Guitar has kinda become my new dota, which means I play anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes almost every night. Haha, at least girls can dig guitar more readily than they appreciate my l33t dota skillz. That's a net plus in my eyes.

And now that I have 9-11pm block free, I can read the books that I've always meant to catch up on. Investment, programming and of course, Japanese. I've lost the camaraderie of my bnet friends but I hope to gain much more knowledge. My life for VB for Excel! Er, I meant Aiur (Waiting for SC2)!

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