Sunday, June 03, 2007

Who's afraid of the rain?

So as some of my readers know (or have inferred from the post and comments), my car window was smashed last week and someone stole my GPS. The vandalism cum theft occurred during my japanese class and I was totally unprepared for the sight of glass shards all over my driver seat and floor. To make matters worse, about 5 minutes after I reached the car, it started to rain. It wasn't any kind of spring shower, the raindrops were the size of your fingertips. It was a localized storm.

So I scurried about in the rain trying to clear the glass shards (by dumping them onto the ground beside me) from my car, to restore some semblance of order to my suddenly chaotic vehicle. When it was somewhat cleaned up, I decided to seek cover in the backseat of my car. The rain was pounding the car and I had to wedge an umbrella into the driver seat window to try to keep my car dry. It was truly a sorry sight I think. An orange umbrella trying to shield a gaping hole. Why me? I already have to deal with being sent to the middle of nowhere and now THIS? Those were the only thoughts I could muster as I sat, soaked and feeling sorry for myself, in the midst of the pouring rain. But after a while, as I surveyed the interior of my car, I felt calmer. It provided an (imperfect) sanctuary from the howling rain. And I realized that I could only control so much in my life. I don't have any say in whether someone will break my window, but I can reduce the odds of that happening. I can sit around and bemoan my fate all day long but the glass isn't gonna magically disappear (sonic attrition perhaps?). You can bitch but bitching and taking action is so much more efficient at getting yourself back on your feet. And the hopelessness of the situation kinda receded. It was a $650 lesson in life that I don't think I will forget anytime soon. This was not to say I wasn't depressed nor that I didn't bitch about it as I drove 40 miles home with the wind blowing past me on the highway.

When I got home, I thoroughly cleaned up that mess and now my car is actually cleaner than before the incident. The next day, I went to get a replacement window and life resumed as normal (sans a GPS - anyone know about any deals?).

I think that the ordeal was made that much more bearable because I have good friends (a shoutout to R & Y & all the people I bothered on my drive home). And I think that the same applies to life. Even though I'm a semi-vagabond right now, it's not something I can control. What I can do is maximize my own skills and improve my fitness. And I'm thankful that I have good friends that I turn to when things like this happen.

So really, who's afraid of the rain? Not me. Not anymore.


Anonymous said...

Eh, last line... kinda cheesy siah, haha (reflective, perhaps, but still cheesy :). Just go pwn so DotA noobs la.

sadfszdfasdf said...

Spoken like a true stoic.