Tuesday, September 09, 2008

It's the End of the World...

As we know it.
On the 10th of Sept 2008, at 730GMT (130 CST) the Large Hadron Collider will power up. Although I'm no physicist, I think it will definitely help us understand the make-up of the world better. The LHC will basically accelerate particles around in a huge underground chamber at near absolute zero and at near light speeds. What happens when these particles smash into one another is what everyone one is eagerly (or not) to see.

Will it be able to prove dark matter exists? Are there REALLY strings in physics? Will it be able to let laymen like you and me understand what is a Higgs Boson (I have no clue what that page means)?? I will be dying (figuratively I hope) to find out.

And if the world really ends tomorrow, at least I got to celebrate my birthday first! :P

Edit: I just found out that CERN (the organization behind the LHC has actually a very informative rap on Youtube about the LHC. So without further ado, the LHC rap.

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