Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Hmm, I don't know if I should be ashamed cos I detract so easily or encouraged that I actually tried to live up to the Action! motto I set for myself this year.

I was gonna go home to veg out but I thought I need to bank a cheque my company had given me AND get a hair cut while I was out anyway. So my decision to run errands or just slack at home was based on guilt and the Action! theme. Not surprisingly, guilt won.

Oh well, baby steps. Baby steps.

The year is still young, plenty of chances to break my resolutions later. Haha.

And in a completely unrelated observation, contradiction is the same in both Chinese and Japanese. 日本語の矛盾(むじゅん)and 中文的矛盾(mao dun). Uncanny eh?

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