Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Holiday Consumerism

So, I changed to the beta version of Blogger and I can't see any difference at all in the service. Can anyone out there enlighten me of the new tricks one can do with Blogger Beta?

Anyways, before I start the post proper, I would like to say a "banyat (typo?) terma kasih" to Abang for the postcard I just received today. Hope everything's going well for you in Egypt! And use more English/Chinese in your blog!! Banyat tak faham!!

Okie, so the last post was before the Thanksgiving holidays and I know some of my readers have been getting on my ass about not updating (You know who you are...). Hence, I will talk about my Thanksgiving break.

So there was a pleasant surprise on Wednesday, the company's office hours were till 15:30 only. However, if the boss doesn't leave, a rookie can't have thick enough skin to leave either right? So I stayed till around 16:15 before leaving, hoping to beat the Chicago traffic, for my bro's place. Maybe it's cos I'm still new to the area, but every time I think I have the timing for Chicago traffic down, it screws me all over again. This time, I entered Chicago very very smoothly. Normally, it takes about 40-50 minutes for me to hit downtown Chicago from my workplace, but I made that journey in like 25 last Wednesday. Unfortunately, that means I was trying to leave Chicago, on Thanksgiving Eve, during the "5 o'clock everyone clusterf*cking on the expressway" jam. Normally,i.e. on a normal Friday evening, it takes me about 1.5 hours to reach my bro's place from work. Last Wednesday, I reached his place at like 18:30, even after I shaved 15-25 minutes off the going into Chicago route. Traffic was horrible.

Anyways, so we had dinner and then celebrated Thanksgiving by sleeping and playing WC3/Dota. On Friday, I woke up early (2:30) to get ready to go to the post-Thanksgiving sales at Aurora. I went there with a friend and I think we certainly did our part to stimulate the American economy. I got a pair of deerskin gloves from Timberland and a leather jacket from CK. My friend... well, let's say I still don't get female fascinations with shoes... and bags...

Oh well, I guess she wasn't the only one to go home feeling broke. Ah Seng has to starve till he goes back home and I think Bob has to start pimping on the streets again.

So that was my Thanksgiving story. Anyone has their story to share?

P.S. I just realised that it's only been 8 days since my last post. Talk about impatient readers... Haha.

P.P.S. Also, new pics are up. These are some of the pics from the Singapore Associations Winter Formal. There are more, but I don't have them...


Anonymous said...

it's "banyak" "terima kasih". But i think the proper way is "ribuan terima kasih" which means a thousand thanks.

Zu31G said...

Ah i see. Ribuan terma kasih.

Anonymous said...

sama-sama =)