Friday, March 10, 2006


Starting tomorrow, I will be vacationing in the Big Apple, NYC. So there will be no updates. To tide you guys over, here are some funny (if lame and maybe disgusting) things. You have been warned.

1. So a guy goes to see a psychiatrist. He walks into the office covered with nothing but cling wrap. The psychiatrist takes one look at him and says, "Obviously, I can see your nuts." BA-BING!!

2. A guy walks into a bar with a newt. He goes up to the bartender and says,"Hey, meet Tiny." So the bartender asks,"Why is he called Tiny?" And the guy responds,"Easy, cos he's my newt!" (Think about that for awhile) BA-DA-DING!!

3. What do you call 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 piccolos? A gigalo.

Okie and for my finale, here's a video of a re-made Morning Musume music video. Allegedly done by some people in the Korean army.

Here's the original for comparison.


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