First of all, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY ZHENZ!! Pai Seh. Was sick on your birthday so didn't post this till now. So here's to the oldest of our bunch, hope that you turn wiser and beat your "tourettes". =)
So anyway, it's a not 2 weeks into the new year, and I've already buried a few hatchets. Wow. That's a new thing. I nurse grudges like a drunkard nurses his alcohol after the last-call at a bar. And I must admit that it's a refreshing feeling. Letting go like that.

Bean sprouts, also known as Tao-Gay, are a really troublesome vegetable to prepare. I bought a bag of them the other day, and was hoping to just dump them into my stir-fry. However, I realised that they haven't been cleaned yet, so I proceeded to remove the tail and the husks on them. So for a bag of about 500-700mL of Tao-Gay, I spent 45 mins washing and cleaning. And I only did about 1/3 of the bag... Back-breaking work I tell you. Tao-Gay washing is.
Lastly, perhaps all the good karma I'm trying to generate in my life (letting my anger go, eating more greens, actually spending effort to prep the greens) will help me alleviate this situation.
Oh that's right. I resolve to shower more too. =)
Dude... This post was about releasing your past, and here u go dregging up stuff again...
well jianjie has always RISEN to the occassion. so i think he WON'T LET HIMSELF DOWN on his new year resolutions. ESPECIALLY IN THE SHOWERS part ... hmmmm sorry but i accidentally hit the caps lock when i type ... tourettes tourettes!!
cheers for the nice pic! =)
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