Friday, December 12, 2003

"PS: blog more, esp photo update. ur webbie getting boring..."

After being prompted, I have to write this entry. I apologise to my many (i hope) faithful readers about the state of my website. Having a keyboard that flips off more often than that dreaded lunar based biological cycle, it's kinda hard to get consistent work done on your background and html with Frontpage.

And Toshiba is not helping me. I called the service centre today (US) and was told to call back to Singapore to confirm the procedure for my international warranty. This is stupid. Isn't toshiba a MNC (multi-national corporation)? Aren't MNCs supposed to be global organisations? Why then is there is disjointed communication is policy between the United States arm and the Singapore arm? For heaven's sake, it's an INTERNATIONAL warranty. You would suppose that there would be some rules and policy that transcends the international barrers... But nuuuuuuuu. It's like the eye asking the brain to ask the legs to walk around the hole in the ground. Someone is probably gonna fall down. Ok so it's not the best analogy, but bear with me. I think you get the idea yeah?

Ok that has fulfiled my rant a day quota. To more shocking news. Today was the first day that the temperature fell to double digits below 0. This morning, to get to my 730am lab, i had to walk in -9 (-14 with windchill) weather. I don't need a fridge with this kind of weather...

As so aptly put by this reader

Jianz: -14 is ridiculous lah
Jianz: will die one

I'm dying here already. Wish me luck. I have my finals next week... ztoow ztoow...

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