Sunday, November 30, 2003

Snow. Mention that word to most people living in tropical countries and they will envision something fluffy, cooling and pretty. If you'd mentioned that word to me before thursday night this week, i would still be inclined to believe in that vision. Now, i just think that snow is something that makes the pavements really really wet and slippery and is a walking hazard...

Considering that frozen sidewalks aren't really fun to play with much less walk on, i hate snow.

Well, it's the end of the thanksgiving holidays. I have 3 exams next week and a project due. That sucks. And i'm gonna go back to study already. Just wanted to post to tell my readers that i didn't slip and die on thursday night on the dark ice patch in front of my hall. Nooo. I didn't slip and die. Well, i didn't die at any rate...

Back to the books then.

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