Sunday, March 09, 2008

Spring Forward!

So I know I promised to upload pics and I went to Flickr to upload them, but then I realised that they only allow people (myself included) to see the most recent 200 pics. Since I'm not willing to pay $25 a year to change that access and also because I'm not impressed with Flickr's interface, I'm considering switching photo services. Does anyone know if Picasa is any good? I spent a considerable amount of time today downloading all my stuff from Flickr to my HDD and gave up after the 120+th photo. So just a reminder that yes, I still remember.

In other news, it's time to Spring Forward guys. Daylight savings has arrived! I like it. It means when I reach home, there is still light (although maybe no warmth still) when I go jogging. Means I can go by the lake again. And it's always nice to think that Spring is here, after spending a dreary 4 months in the cold, sleet and snow. That means another 4 weeks to a more *ahem* colourful street scene. I'm looking forward to that as well. It also means it's a 13 hour difference with home now. So that means a better convergence of timing to chat and catch up with people back home. That's always nice.

And who says gamers aren't cool? This is Soulja Boy done Team Fortress Two style. Enjoy.

And to the people who understand - Isn't that rocket jump, turn and frag of the scout so damn cool?!?

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