Friday, November 09, 2007

Aboot the "Eh"

So from my 48 hours in Canada so far, here are my revelations:

1. I realised that gas in America is still quite cheap. It's about 1 dollar per litre here, which is still more expensive than what I pay for in Chicago (already one of the most expensive places in the US).

2. Canadians DO use "eh" very often. It's as bad as the "lahs" of Singlish. But perhaps even more flexible. I've never heard anyone use "lah" as a response to a question, but you can use "eh" to do that.

3. I always thought that "aboot" was a parody of Canadian English done by South Park, but apparently, it's real as well. Canadians sound very much like Americans except for the 2 above mentioned traits. It's kinda amusing when you are talking to them and they let the "eh"s and the "aboot"s into their mannerisms.

Oh well, I'm sure I'll learn more as I spend more time here. Not too much ado aboot eh yet.

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