Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Videos Galore!!

So the previous Duck Hunt link didn't quite work out. My bad. I didn't realise that they didn't allow direct linking and I forgot the original url already. So in order to make up for that AND for the fact that I didn't post any CNY thing, here are a few links to interesting (at least to me) videos.

1. Parappa the Rappa in real life. They say that art imitates life and now we have life imitating a rhythm bopping video game.

2. Dog >> Chicken. But let's give those beleaguered avians a bone here. (Warning - Chinese Link)

3. Anyone remembers the SNES and Genesis? Anyone remember screaming at the screen cos A,B,A,B,Up,Down,Left,Right,Start didn't give you enough lives in Contra? Well, if you (like me) never saw the ending to the game(s) you wasted your teens/youth on, you might find it here.

And that's all the videos for today folks.

Happy belated CNY. Well, technically there are 15 days...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha, yeah. I remember I bought the system from my friend 2nd-hand and all hell would break lose in the house.