Haha, at this rate, I'm gonna be considered the walking dead.
But things have been fairly ok with me so I don't really see the need to post too much. However, the recent financial incidents around the world and back home here deserve some airtime on my blog I think.
As we all know, the world is not in the best shape financially speaking. This has translated to high unemployment rates in the states and countries like Greece getting buffeted by people betting against any financial plans they can concoct to improve their finances.
I am currently waiting for the Q1 report from Greece and seeing what actions the EU will take to 'bail' them out. It's reprehensible when corporations get rewarded for greed and mis-judgment but it's a whole other level when COUNTRIES indulge in such unethical behaviour. It's also sad when in the end, those countries will also not suffer too much for their willful wrong-doings.
However, it is through the actions of others that we can reflect on our own. The States might not be in as dire straits as Greece or other PIGS nations but the national debt has soared over the course of the crisis (to 80+ % of GDP) and the Obama administration is still talking ABOUT ADDING MORE DEBT!! Like seriously, WTF dude. I don't consider myself Red State material by a long shot but this splurge by Congress and the Obama administration is ridiculous. A new bill just passed in Congress that adds $149 BILLION to the already ginormous $12.5 TRILLION national debt. They just increased the duration of unemployment benefits from 52 weeks (already extended from the original 26) to 99 weeks. NINETY NINE WEEKS. At this rate, the unemployed can grow roots at home before they will stop seeing $$ from the government. I understand people are having a tough time trying to find work and all in this economy but 2 years of cash for free?? Does Obama think he can do this?

The States has no Obama Wii. The only way it can meaningfully reduce debt is to do it like how everyone else does it. Spend less and save more. Please Donkeys, don't be bleeding hearts - You're gonna bleed everyone dry.
Already, I have the highest big city tax at 10.25%. My city's mayor made a joke of a deal to the devil (actually a Morgan Stanley subsidary) - allowing them to control the city's parking meters for 75 years, in return for a mere 1+ billion. My mind is blown by the incompetency shown in the city's leadership...
Sigh, it's late already and I should go to bed. But sometimes, I can see how they can say the States will not be the power in this 22nd century. I need to blow something up to relieve some steam...r
But things have been fairly ok with me so I don't really see the need to post too much. However, the recent financial incidents around the world and back home here deserve some airtime on my blog I think.
As we all know, the world is not in the best shape financially speaking. This has translated to high unemployment rates in the states and countries like Greece getting buffeted by people betting against any financial plans they can concoct to improve their finances.
I am currently waiting for the Q1 report from Greece and seeing what actions the EU will take to 'bail' them out. It's reprehensible when corporations get rewarded for greed and mis-judgment but it's a whole other level when COUNTRIES indulge in such unethical behaviour. It's also sad when in the end, those countries will also not suffer too much for their willful wrong-doings.
However, it is through the actions of others that we can reflect on our own. The States might not be in as dire straits as Greece or other PIGS nations but the national debt has soared over the course of the crisis (to 80+ % of GDP) and the Obama administration is still talking ABOUT ADDING MORE DEBT!! Like seriously, WTF dude. I don't consider myself Red State material by a long shot but this splurge by Congress and the Obama administration is ridiculous. A new bill just passed in Congress that adds $149 BILLION to the already ginormous $12.5 TRILLION national debt. They just increased the duration of unemployment benefits from 52 weeks (already extended from the original 26) to 99 weeks. NINETY NINE WEEKS. At this rate, the unemployed can grow roots at home before they will stop seeing $$ from the government. I understand people are having a tough time trying to find work and all in this economy but 2 years of cash for free?? Does Obama think he can do this?

The States has no Obama Wii. The only way it can meaningfully reduce debt is to do it like how everyone else does it. Spend less and save more. Please Donkeys, don't be bleeding hearts - You're gonna bleed everyone dry.
Already, I have the highest big city tax at 10.25%. My city's mayor made a joke of a deal to the devil (actually a Morgan Stanley subsidary) - allowing them to control the city's parking meters for 75 years, in return for a mere 1+ billion. My mind is blown by the incompetency shown in the city's leadership...
Sigh, it's late already and I should go to bed. But sometimes, I can see how they can say the States will not be the power in this 22nd century. I need to blow something up to relieve some steam...r